Race Display
For each stock, the current Change in %, the current Change in $, as well as the Change from Close in %, and the Change from Close in $ are displayed in the race lane together with the ticker and the current price of the stock.

During the race, you will see stocks moving forward as well as pulling back based on the change in filter value.
A green line below a stock lane means it has moved up in position.
A red line below a stock lane means it has moved down in position.
A yellow line below a stock lane means the stock has been newly added to the race (when the option Replace Cars is enabled).

The Winners of each race will be listed on the finish line from top to bottom.
If the race window is to narrow to show all winners, navigation arrows on top and bottom will enable you to scroll through the winner line-up.
A click on a winner tag, will reveal the second and third place as well.

To only see the Top 10 Winners, right-click into the window and select Show Top 10 Winners

To see all Winners, right-click again and select Show All Winners