Recent "Sector breakout (from open)" Alerts:
Sector breakout (from open)

SymbolTime (NY)Message
ETY03/06/25, 13:56:20Trading 1% above expectations based on SPY
FYT03/06/25, 13:56:08Trading 1% above expectations based on MDY
GMS03/06/25, 13:55:28Trading 5% above expectations based on MDY
KMT03/06/25, 13:54:37Trading 2% above expectations based on MDY
UPV03/06/25, 13:53:01Trading 3% above expectations based on EWG
NNNN03/06/25, 13:52:32Trading 5% above expectations based on XLV
GOOP03/06/25, 13:52:28Trading 1% above expectations based on QQQ
DE03/06/25, 13:52:26Trading 3% above expectations based on XLB
FDRV03/06/25, 13:51:21Trading 8% above expectations based on QQQ
RDNT03/06/25, 13:50:54Trading 2% above expectations based on SPY
MATV03/06/25, 13:50:47Trading 5% above expectations based on MDY
MTX03/06/25, 13:50:06Trading 2% above expectations based on MDY
CNS03/06/25, 13:50:01Trading 2% above expectations based on MDY
AMX03/06/25, 13:49:59Trading 3% above expectations based on EWW
UNTY03/06/25, 13:49:27Trading 1% above expectations based on XLF
SSO03/06/25, 13:48:19Trading 2% above expectations based on SPY
ASGN03/06/25, 13:47:26Trading 4% above expectations based on MDY
HD03/06/25, 13:46:10Trading 1% above expectations based on RTH
CNH03/06/25, 13:45:52Trading 5% above expectations based on MDY
THO03/06/25, 13:44:25Trading 7% above expectations based on MDY
GF03/06/25, 13:44:14Trading 2% above expectations based on EWG
WGO03/06/25, 13:43:47Trading 7% above expectations based on MDY
AXL03/06/25, 13:43:33Trading 4% above expectations based on MDY
ASAIY03/06/25, 13:43:25Trading 4% above expectations based on EWG
MBUU03/06/25, 13:43:07Trading 4% above expectations based on MDY

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New high?
New low?
New high ask?
New low bid?
New high (filtered)?
New low (filtered)?
New high ask (filtered)?
New low bid (filtered)?
New high bid (filtered)?
New low ask (filtered)?
Pre-market highs?
Pre-market lows?
Post-market highs?
Post-market lows?
75% pullback from lows (Close)?
25% pullback from lows (Close)?
75% pullback from highs (Close)?
25% pullback from highs (Close)?
75% pullback from lows (Open)?
25% pullback from lows (Open)?
75% pullback from highs (Open)?
25% pullback from highs (Open)?
75% pullback from lows?
25% pullback from lows?
75% pullback from highs?
25% pullback from highs?
Check mark?
Inverted check mark?
% up for the day?
% down for the day?
Standard deviation breakout?
Standard deviation breakdown?
Crossed daily highs resistance?
Crossed daily lows support?
Large bid size?
Large ask size?
Market crossed?
Market crossed up?
Market crossed down?
Market locked?
Large spread?
Trading above?
Trading below?
Trading above specialist?
Trading below specialist?
Offer stepping down?
NYSE buy imbalance?
NYSE sell imbalance?
Crossed above open?
Crossed below open?
Crossed above close?
Crossed below close?
Crossed above open (confirmed)?
Crossed below open (confirmed)?
Crossed above close (confirmed)?
Crossed below close (confirmed)?
Sector breakout (from open)?
Sector breakdown (from open)?
Sector breakout (from close)?
Sector breakdown (from close)?
Positive market divergence?
Negative market divergence?
High relative volume?
1 minute volume spike?
Strong volume?
Unusual number of prints?
Running up now?
Running down now?
Running up?
Running down?
Running up (intermediate)?
Running down (intermediate)?
Running up (confirmed)?
Running down (confirmed)?
Crossed above 200 day moving average?
Crossed below 200 day moving average?
Crossed above 50 day moving average?
Crossed below 50 day moving average?
Crossed above 20 day moving average?
Crossed below 20 day moving average?
Crossed above VWAP?
Crossed below VWAP?
Positive VWAP Divergence?
Negative VWAP Divergence?
Gap down reversal?
Gap up reversal?
False gap up retracement?
False gap down retracement?
Channel breakout (confirmed)?
Channel breakdown (confirmed)?
Channel breakout?
Channel breakdown?
5 minute consolidation breakout?
5 minute consolidation breakdown?
10 minute consolidation breakout?
10 minute consolidation breakdown?
15 minute consolidation breakout?
15 minute consolidation breakdown?
30 minute consolidation breakout?
30 minute consolidation breakdown?
Crossed above resistance (confirmed)?
Crossed below support (confirmed)?
Crossed above resistance?
Crossed below support?
Block trade?
Broadening bottom?
Broadening top?
Triangle bottom?
Triangle top?
Rectangle bottom?
Rectangle top?
Double bottom?
Double top?
Inverted head and shoulders?
Head and shoulders?
5 minute high?
5 minute low?
10 minute high?
10 minute low?
15 minute high?
15 minute low?
30 minute high?
30 minute low?
60 minute high?
60 minute low?
Trailing stop, % up?
Trailing stop, % down?
Trailing stop, volatility up?
Trailing stop, volatility down?
1 minute opening range breakout?
1 minute opening range breakdown?
2 minute opening range breakout?
2 minute opening range breakdown?
5 minute opening range breakout?
5 minute opening range breakdown?
10 minute opening range breakout?
10 minute opening range breakdown?
15 minute opening range breakout?
15 minute opening range breakdown?
30 minute opening range breakout?
30 minute opening range breakdown?
60 minute opening range breakout?
60 minute opening range breakdown?
Fibonacci 38% buy signal?
Fibonacci 38% sell signal?
Fibonacci 50% buy signal?
Fibonacci 50% sell signal?
Fibonacci 62% buy signal?
Fibonacci 62% sell signal?
Fibonacci 79% buy signal?
Fibonacci 79% sell signal?
5 minute linear regression up trend?
5 minute linear regression down trend?
15 minute linear regression up trend?
15 minute linear regression down trend?
30 minute linear regression up trend?
30 minute linear regression down trend?
90 minute linear regression up trend?
90 minute linear regression down trend?
Upward thrust (2 minute)?
Downward thrust (2 minute)?
Upward thrust (5 minute)?
Downward thrust (5 minute)?
Upward thrust (15 minute)?
Downward thrust (15 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed above 8 period SMA (1 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed below 8 period SMA (1 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed above 8 period SMA (2 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed below 8 period SMA (2 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed above 8 period SMA (4 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed below 8 period SMA (4 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed above 8 period SMA (5 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed below 8 period SMA (5 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed above 8 period SMA (10 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed below 8 period SMA (10 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed above 8 period SMA (20 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed below 8 period SMA (20 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed above 8 period SMA (30 minute)?
5 period SMA crossed below 8 period SMA (30 minute)?
8 period SMA crossed above 20 period SMA (2 minute)?
8 period SMA crossed below 20 period SMA (2 minute)?
8 period SMA crossed above 20 period SMA (5 minute)?
8 period SMA crossed below 20 period SMA (5 minute)?
8 period SMA crossed above 20 period SMA (15 minute)?
8 period SMA crossed below 20 period SMA (15 minute)?
20 period SMA crossed above 200 period SMA (2 minute)?
20 period SMA crossed below 200 period SMA (2 minute)?
20 period SMA crossed above 200 period SMA (5 minute)?
20 period SMA crossed below 200 period SMA (5 minute)?
20 period SMA crossed above 200 period SMA (15 minute)?
20 period SMA crossed below 200 period SMA (15 minute)?
5 minute MACD crossed above signal?
5 minute MACD crossed below signal?
5 minute MACD crossed above zero?
5 minute MACD crossed below zero?
10 minute MACD crossed above signal?
10 minute MACD crossed below signal?
10 minute MACD crossed above zero?
10 minute MACD crossed below zero?
15 minute MACD crossed above signal?
15 minute MACD crossed below signal?
15 minute MACD crossed above zero?
15 minute MACD crossed below zero?
30 minute MACD crossed above signal?
30 minute MACD crossed below signal?
30 minute MACD crossed above zero?
30 minute MACD crossed below zero?
60 minute MACD crossed above signal?
60 minute MACD crossed below signal?
60 minute MACD crossed above zero?
60 minute MACD crossed below zero?
5 minute stochastic crossed above 20?
5 minute stochastic crossed below 80?
15 minute stochastic crossed above 20?
15 minute stochastic crossed below 80?
60 minute stochastic crossed above 20?
60 minute stochastic crossed below 80?
5 minute Doji?
10 minute Doji?
15 minute Doji?
30 minute Doji?
60 minute Doji?
2 minute hammer?
5 minute hammer?
10 minute hammer?
15 minute hammer?
30 minute hammer?
60 minute hammer?
2 minute hanging man?
5 minute hanging man?
10 minute hanging man?
15 minute hanging man?
30 minute hanging man?
60 minute hanging man?
5 minute bullish engulfing?
10 minute bullish engulfing?
15 minute bullish engulfing?
30 minute bullish engulfing?
5 minute bearish engulfing?
10 minute bearish engulfing?
15 minute bearish engulfing?
30 minute bearish engulfing?
5 minute piercing pattern?
10 minute piercing pattern?
15 minute piercing pattern?
30 minute piercing pattern?
5 minute dark cloud cover?
10 minute dark cloud cover?
15 minute dark cloud cover?
30 minute dark cloud cover?
2 minute bottoming tail?
5 minute bottoming tail?
10 minute bottoming tail?
15 minute bottoming tail?
30 minute bottoming tail?
60 minute bottoming tail?
2 minute topping tail?
5 minute topping tail?
10 minute topping tail?
15 minute topping tail?
30 minute topping tail?
60 minute topping tail?
5 minute narrow range buy bar?
10 minute narrow range buy bar?
15 minute narrow range buy bar?
30 minute narrow range buy bar?
5 minute narrow range sell bar?
10 minute narrow range sell bar?
15 minute narrow range sell bar?
30 minute narrow range sell bar?
2 minute green bar reversal?
5 minute green bar reversal?
15 minute green bar reversal?
60 minute green bar reversal?
2 minute red bar reversal?
5 minute red bar reversal?
15 minute red bar reversal?
60 minute red bar reversal?
2 minute 1-2-3 continuation buy signal?
5 minute 1-2-3 continuation buy signal?
15 minute 1-2-3 continuation buy signal?
60 minute 1-2-3 continuation buy signal?
2 minute 1-2-3 continuation sell signal?
5 minute 1-2-3 continuation sell signal?
15 minute 1-2-3 continuation sell signal?
60 minute 1-2-3 continuation sell signal?
2 minute 1-2-3 continuation buy setup?
5 minute 1-2-3 continuation buy setup?
15 minute 1-2-3 continuation buy setup?
60 minute 1-2-3 continuation buy setup?
2 minute 1-2-3 continuation sell setup?
5 minute 1-2-3 continuation sell setup?
15 minute 1-2-3 continuation sell setup?
60 minute 1-2-3 continuation sell setup?
Bullish opening power bar?
Bearish opening power bar?
NR7 (1 minute)?
NR7 (2 minute)?
NR7 (5 minute)?
NR7 (10 minute)?
NR7 (15 minute)?
NR7 (30 minute)?
2 minute wide range bar?
5 minute wide range bar?
15 minute wide range bar?
Tests and Demonstrations?
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