Trade Ideas

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With AI

Unlock profitable opportunities with the Holly, the Virtual Trading Assistant.

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Meet your new trading assistant.

Our Virtual Trade Assistant Holly AI is designed to provide real-time stock suggestions to our premium subscribers, including entry and exit signals. No configuration required.

Make Holly your Virtual Trading Assistant. Everyday, she utilizes dozens of strategies based on specific algorithms designed to recognize patterns, anomalies, or specific market conditions that have historically indicated profitable trading opportunities.

Here are a few of HOLLY's strategies:

The exact number of strategies Holly uses might vary over time as Trade Ideas introduces new algorithms.

The 5 Day Bounce

The trigger for this alert has to cross above resistance while also making a 60 minute high on stocks that are trying to bounce from the lows of their 5 day range. The max price on these will be stocks under 20 dollars. The strategy looks to go long on an oversold reversal strategy. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Alpha Predator

This strategy looks for momentum stocks under 20 dollars to buy on a pullback trigger as the event to go long. These stocks will be green on many time frames from 5-day to 5 minutes. There are numerous filters looking at moving averages and change in price over the last hour. We need at least 1 consecutive green candle coming in on the current day. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Bon Shorty (Short)

A short selling strategy that looks to jump on momentum. The trigger is a breakdown of resistance as defined by Trade Ideas data for stocks between 15 and 85 dollars. The stock must be down from the previous day. The S&P 500 cannot be up very much in the last 5 minutes. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.


This long strategy uses the crossing above resistance as the entry event. On higher than normal relative volume, the stock must be between $10 and $150 with at least 125k share being already traded today. Additionally, the stock will be above the midpoint of the previous day’s range. This strategy ensures that the leading market indicator used has not moved more than 0.5% in either direction over the past 30 minutes. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Bullish Pullback

Looks for strong stocks pulling back 25% to create the entry trigger. These stocks will include a max price of 100 in the scan and a minimum of 20 dollars (where “Strong Stocks Pulling Back” left off). Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Bullish Trend Change

The trigger is basically stocks above 20 dollars that are crossing above resistance with a 60 minute high. In the 5 day range this, stock should be near the lower end of this range looking to change the near term trend and move higher on volume.Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Count de Monet

Looks for stocks to go long that are making a resistance breakout to a 5 day high area. This strategy is focused on stocks under 40 dollars with medium sized float or smaller. The S&P 500 needs to have a green 5 minute candle.Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Cuts Like a Knife (Short)

Another short selling strategy that looks for a breakdown of support (as defined by Trade Ideas data). The trigger to go short is Crossed below Support on stocks up to 100 dollars.The earnings filter is turned on to play stocks that just had earnings in the last day to look for downward momentum to ride from the earnings news. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Downward Dog (Short)

This is simply a breakdown of a channel (as defined by Trade Ideas data). A short selling momentum strategy that looks for stocks under 50 dollars. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Downward Momentum (Short)

A short selling strategy that looks to pile on the selling. A downward break of the opening 30 minute range is the trigger to go short here. The price of this strategy will focus on stocks between 20 and 100 dollars and the S&P has to be negative in the last 15 minutes. This strategy also looks at a long term filter to ensure the stock is in a daily downtrend. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Early Bird

Stocks under $20 that are crossing above an algorithmic resistance level on slightly higher than normal 5 minute volume. The volume today is currently under 1m shares. Ranges for the 10 day, 120 minute and 15 minute are capped so as it catch the move early. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Float On

Stocks from 1 to 100 that are crossing above short term resistance is the trigger for this long side strategy. There are numerous filters for moving average relative strength and only scans for low float stocks under 20 million shares. Market filters also ensure that the S&P 500 is showing strength on the day and in short term time frames. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Got Dough Wants to Go

In A strategy that uses our Fibonacci pullback as the trigger to go long. This is a pullback entry concept. Stocks from 50 cents to 30 dollars will show up on this alert. The pullback entry will be on a stock that is already up nicely on the day and the S&P 500 has to be positive for the day. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Horseshoe Down

Looks for a gap down in price with an attempt to come back up and fill a portion of the gap. The alert triggers to go short if the price moves back below the prior low of the gap opening. The exact opposite of “Horseshoe Up” Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Horseshoe Up

Looks for a gap up in price with an attempt to come back down and fill a portion of the gap. The alert triggers to go long if the price moves back above the prior high of the gap opening. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Knocking On Resistence (Short)

A short strategy that looks to fade the upward movement of stocks under 20 dollars using a breakout of the opening range but right into a level of resistance (R1) as defined by Trade Ideas technology. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Little Big Guy

This strategy focuses on stocks under 8 dollars. The trigger is a minimum 5 hour level of resistance. This strategy has market filters that look at the S&P 500 to make sure it is not too negative on the day. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Looking for a Bounce

Here the A.I. is looking for a 30 minute opening range breakdown at a certain level of support that will look to bounce off support and go long based on the filters used here. The max price for this strategy is 20 dollar stocks. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Mighty Mouse

Stocks from 50 cents to 5 dollars that are crossing above resistance as defined by Trade Ideas data is the idea behind this strategy. The stock must be up compared to yesterday and wait 15 minutes before this events triggers. The name Mighty Mouse suggests stocks under 5 dollars that are showing upward opportunities early in the day. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Nice Chart

Numerous filters make up this long strategy.The trigger is a New High above yesterday’s high but with many more filters looking at market strength, moving averages and RSI in the short term. The max price for this strategy is 80 dollars. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.


Nickelback is basically the same concept of “Quarterback” but only monitors a symbol list of stock that trade in 5 cent increments in hopes of making a better spread on entry and exit. A pullback of 25% is still needed for the entry trigger. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

No Fear Short Here (Short)

The trigger of this is a locked or crossed market (bid and offer are the same or even crossed). A short selling strategy that looks at Nasdaq and S&P market filters and downward momentum to trigger a short selling opportunity. Price window for this short momentum strategy is 50 cents to 8-0 dollars. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Not a Double Bottom (Short)

The trigger for this short sell alert is what appears to be a double bottom but breaks down thru support. Stocks from 10 to 100 dollars make up this strategy and the change is 1 minute period is a significant down move. Market filters do not allow for the S&P 500 to be up too much in the last 15 minutes. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

On Support

This is very similar to the “Looking for a Bounce” strategy as it is looking for a breakdown in the opening 30 minute range. However, this strategy looks at only stock above 20 dollars that are bouncing off support as defined by the filters used. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Power Hour Long

Looks to buy strong stocks relative to the previous day and only in the last hour of the day. The S&P 500 must be up in the last 10 minutes as a market filter. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Power Hour Short (Short)

Looks to short weak stocks relative to the previous day and only in the last hour of the day. The S&P 500 must be down in the last 10 minutes as a market filter. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Pushing Through Resistance

The signal is triggered by a 30 minute opening range breakout to go long. This strategy is set to wait for around 40 minutes after the open before any alert would trigger. There needs to be positive movement in the trailing 15 minute period as well. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Putting on the Brakes

Similar to “Knocking on Resistance” but for stocks above 20 dollars and more filters to ensure the 5 day range is not too strong. The 30 minute relative weakness in the S&P 500 is also considered. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.


Looks for strong stocks that had a significant move upward then pulls back 25% for the entry trigger. Stock prices will be 5 to 100 dollars and relative volume needs to be above normal. The A.I. has added many RSI filters and the stock must be up from yesterday’s close. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Selling Strength (Short)

This is similar to “Topping Formation” but for stocks above 20 dollars. Market filters require the S&P 500 to not be positive.Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Slippery Slope (Short)

This short selling strategy uses a new 5 minute low as the entry trigger. Stocks between the price of 50 and 200 are monitored for weakness relative to the prior day and also the 10 day and 1 year range with negative momentum coming into the current trading day. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Staggering Volume

This one is looking for stocks making new highs that are off the chart in terms of relative volume, 5 minute volume and 1 minute volume. There is a short squeeze component as well using the “days to cover” filter. “Position in Range” filters under 60 minute time frames are also used here. These stocks will be fast movers in general. Stocks above and under 5 dollars are in play with this strategy.

Strong Stock Pulling Back

This strategy is triggered by a 25% pullback from highs on stocks that are showing strong volume and price movement relative to the S&P 500 even on a weak day. Stocks under 20 dollars only in this strategy. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Sunrise Mover

This strategy is set to be active after only 5 minutes into the day and stops being active 45 minutes after the bell. Stocks between 3 and 80 dollars are scanned for a break above short term resistance as the trigger to go long if the S&P 500 is positive. There are numerous filters added by the A.I. looking at moving average relative strength across the board. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.


This long strategy uses a pullback in price to trigger the entry. Stocks that have a complex setup of moving averages and are positive across the board on those moving average and volume filters are considered. The max price of this strategy is 60 dollars.Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Topping Formation (Short)

This is a short selling strategy that looks to fade an overbought situation with a new 5 day high being the trigger to go short. The price window will be stocks between 10 and 20 dollars. Market filters require the S&P 500 to not be positive.Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Trend Play

Uses a proprietary moving average ribbon to identify when a stock is in a strong trend. For this play to trigger both on the daily and intraday charts need to be aligned with the same trend using the same metric. This makes stocks interesting to long term players which will in a lot of cases push the price for shorter term players.

Trend Play Short (Short)

Same as the Trend play (see above). But this strategy is looking for downtrends that can trigger a short sell signal.

The Vault

A long strategy that looks for oversold conditions in stocks between 9 and 30 dollars. The current price is likely near the low of the 10 day range. The event is triggered by crossing back thru yesterday’s resistance. This strategy has many additional filters; too many to list here.

Volume Doesn't Lie

This strategy looks for stocks that are up at least 4% and doing at least 2 times normal volume. The volume is the trigger and the theory is that the price action will continue in the same direction as the gap. This was originally designed for a multi-day hold, but was reconfigured for Holly (so keep that in mind). Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Wake Up Call

This strategy looks for stocks to buy under 20 dollars making new highs with low float size. There are numerous filters for intraday moving averages and price action filters in the last 15-30 minutes that the A.I. has added. The stock needs to be up a bit in the last 5 minutes before it triggers as well. Consult the main AI window for this strategies’ target, hold time and stop type.

Yesterday Hammer Today Strength

This is searching for your textbook hammer candle to have happened yesterday. This pattern shows sellers being rejected after trying to push the price lower. The alert triggers after the stock has shown strength in the current trading day and has pushed through resistance.


This watches the current day's action to see if a possible engulfing candle is forming (todays lower lower than yesterdays and today's high higher than yesterdays). This looks to trigger after both sides of that equation are made and we are showing some intraday strength.

AVWAP Bounce

The strategy uses a multi day vwap to find stocks that are not only bouncing off today's VWAP but yesterday's as well.a

The Guiding Hand (Short)

Both of these are looking at the same thing just reversed. We are looking at stocks that are gapping and the basing sideways looking for a short term moving average to catch up to price and push it higher.

Balloon Under Water/The Anvil (Short)

These are revisions to the mean algos that are looking for stocks that have drifted away from what our algos are looking at for “fair value”. It looks to take the other side of the move after momentum has shifted.

The Guiding Hand (Short)

Both of these are looking at the same thing just reversed. We are looking at stocks that are gapping and the basing sideways looking for a short term moving average to catch up to price and push it higher.

Holly's AI Trading Signals

Trade Ideas AI gives real-time symbol entry and exit ideas from a scan that modifies itself every night based on past data simulated back testing.

See the suggested entries and exits right on the chart, and trade with a click when connected to a participating broker.

Stock Racing

Market Visualization

Our Stock Racing technology is a brand new visual perspective on scanning the market.

Welcome to the future of stock scanning and Trade Ideas is the only company offering this exceptionally powerful tool.

Risk Free Training in Real-Time

Trade Ideas Simulated Trading works hand in hand with our AI and full suite of trading tools in real-time. There's no substitute.

With Proper feedback, investors quickly see what actions lead to reward and where there are mistakes that need to be corrected.

Market Explorer

The Market Explorer enables us to build popular high-performance scans for our users beyond the software's boundaries. These pre-built scans require no customization.

Some of our most popular Market Explorer scans include Anchored VWAP and Swing Picks, a curated weekly list based on relative strength.

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Price Alerts

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Top Lists

Using only filters with no event, you can sort the data on a top list much like a spreadsheet that updates live data every 30 seconds. Works great with Price Alerts.

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Chart Trading

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Alert Windows

The Crown Jewel of Trade Ideas that nobody else has; a real-time scanner that alerts you the moment the event triggers. No hitting refresh all the time. Fully customizable.

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Trading Signals

Trade Ideas AI gives real-time symbol entry and exit ideas from a scan that modifies itself every night based on past data simulated back testing.

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One-Click Trading

Top List windows delivers the top 100 symbols based on your custom configuration. This record count can be extended to show a total of 1000 symbols at once.



Improve your own trading strategy results. Score how well scans, entry signals, and trading plans perform over recent history. Gives you confidence.



Trade Ideas Charts provide you with a range of chart types, including Candlestick, Line, Bar, and OHLC charts, you can visualize market trends with ease. 

Visualize market action like never before

Trade Ideas goes above and beyond the market data other platforms offer. Stock Racing is one of the many innovations we offer that provides a unique market edge.

Trading Signal

Stock Racing

Trade Ideas AI gives real-time symbol entry and exit ideas from a scan that modifies itself every night based on past data simulated back testing.

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Compare Count

Top List windows delivers the top 100 symbols based on your custom configuration. This record count can be extended to show a total of 1000 symbols at once.


Channel Bar

Improve your own trading strategy results. Score how well scans, entry signals, and trading plans perform over recent history. Gives you confidence.


Simulated Trading

Trade Ideas Charts provide you with a range of chart types, including Candlestick, Line, Bar, and OHLC charts, you can visualize market trends with ease. 

Trading Signal

Trading Signals

Trade Ideas AI gives real-time symbol entry and exit ideas from a scan that modifies itself every night based on past data simulated back testing.

Chart Trading icon

One-Click Trading

Top List windows delivers the top 100 symbols based on your custom configuration. This record count can be extended to show a total of 1000 symbols at once.



Improve your own trading strategy results. Score how well scans, entry signals, and trading plans perform over recent history. Gives you confidence.



Trade Ideas Charts provide you with a range of chart types, including Candlestick, Line, Bar, and OHLC charts, you can visualize market trends with ease. 

Access the data you need

Trade Ideas offers pre-formatted built-in scans for uncovering profitable trading opportunities. Our highly flexible platform enables active traders to configure and customize according to their needs. We combine our AI-powered robo-advisor engine named Holly to analyze millions of potential scenarios.

Single Stock Window

Single Stock Window

Provides customizable data on a stock symbol. With Symbol Linking enabled by default, just click a symbol and this window will give you any data point we have in real time.

External Linking

External Linking

This feature allows you to link Trade Ideas to an outside charting platform so you can quickly send the stock symbol to your 3rd party platform. Custom setup required.