Stock Scanner, Stock Screener, Stock Filters: Know the difference

We find that many people today are confused about the difference between common industry terms that describe software that helps to identify trading opportunities. This blog post is to help clear up this problem. Let’s start at the top. Stock Scanner – A stock scanner, like the Trade-Ideas real time stock scanner is software that…

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Strategy Session: Find the Move During the Pause that Refreshes

I received a good question from our support forum that I want to repeat here. It’s a simple request about how to model a pattern that this customer wants to see in the market. Question: Stocks Taking a Breather What filters or alerts can I use to finds stocks that are, “taking a breather“?I.e. it…

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1 Stock’s Collapse Reveals a Pattern Others Might Follow

As many of our subscribers confirm – our technology works – really well. Here’s an example that features option filters recently added and Bear Stearns. I think this example is more relevant as we prepare to absorb one of the last of the giants in the financial sector that’s been exposed to the sub-prime mortgage…

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Strategy Session: Best Ways to Find the Tipping Points

New alerts and filters added recently expand the arsenal of ways in which any trading universe can be modeled in Trade-Ideas. We even created some sample strategies to show you how they are used. Here’s what we did: Added bottoming tail and topping tail alerts. Added new filters to find stocks based on how much…

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Your Best Trades: It’s Not What You See, But How You See It

The Smallest Change in Graphics Affect the Success of a Trading Plan We introduced version 2.1 of Trade-Ideas PRO back in May. The ‘Flip’ feature receives the most attention and fanfare at the conferences and summits we attend (more on the recent User’s Summit hosted by Scottrade in an upcoming post). How We See Affects…

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