What Makes This Trade Great: Spotlight on Lucy

What Makes This Trade Great: Spotlight on Lucy

Aug 29, 2024

By Barrie Einarson, Trade-Ideas

Hello traders, Barrie Anderson here from Trade-Ideas, bringing you today’s edition of “What Makes This Trade Great.” Let’s dive into a stock that’s catching our attention right now: Lucy. As we speak, Lucy is up 89%, and it’s a classic low float situation with just a little over a million shares in the float. To Subscribe: https://go.trade-ideas.com/SHQ
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This morning, Lucy announced some news that they’re going to start offering their eyewear on Target.com. It’s the kind of news that grabs attention—how much they’ll sell or make is anyone’s guess, but it’s certainly eye-catching. You can see the pre-market action clearly as the stock rallied on this news.

At one point, Lucy shot up to around $7 before pulling back to $5. Now, it’s consolidating, and the big question is: what’s next? Some traders are already finding ways to capitalize on this move, whether by trading the pre-market surge or buying the pullback.

What I’m watching now is what might happen later today. Right now, it’s around noon Eastern, and I’m keen to see if Lucy can make another push, especially as we approach the later trading hours—maybe around 1 or 2 PM. If it breaks through the earlier high, we could see a continuation of the rally. But keep in mind, there’s a 200 moving average sitting just above that area, which could act as resistance.

Volume is the key here. If we get another big volume surge, like some of the bars we saw earlier, that could be the catalyst Lucy needs to propel higher. So, my strategy today is simple: keep an eye on the volume and the price action around the highs. If the conditions are right, this could turn into another great trade setup.

That’s all for now, folks. I’m heading back into the trading room—let’s keep watching and see how this unfolds. Have a great trading day, and we’ll catch up again tomorrow!